
Hello and welcome to the Crafty Coffee Bear Blog!


I want to let you know that I now have a new blog
where you can find announcements and new freebies!

You can find it here:


Everything here is still available for you to download for free.
However, all of the HFD posts only have my a download for my 2 required pieces of the kit.
Michelle of CraftyScraps is ill at this time, so the HFD challenges are Not currently available
since she is unable to keep up with her forum. If that changes, I will update this to let you know.

Enjoy your visit and please visit my new blog where you will find all of the latest freebies.

Thanks for visiting!

Monday, July 15, 2013

HFD 35 Freebie Time

It's the 15th of the month...and you know what that means!
Time for another HFD mega kit freebie for posting just 1
layout from the required pieces!

Michelle has had several requests for us to do a kit for cats and
kittens...so that's what we did! Here's the beautiful color palette
we had to work with this time:

You should have come here from Michelle's blog
After you download your pieces from me...head on over to Jana's blog

Once you have collected all 14 pieces, head on over to the forum to
see how to use the pieces. Make just 1 layout, post it and you will get
the Entire Mega Kit for Free! Looking forward to seeing all your LO's

You can get my pieces here:

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