
Hello and welcome to the Crafty Coffee Bear Blog!


I want to let you know that I now have a new blog
where you can find announcements and new freebies!

You can find it here:


Everything here is still available for you to download for free.
However, all of the HFD posts only have my a download for my 2 required pieces of the kit.
Michelle of CraftyScraps is ill at this time, so the HFD challenges are Not currently available
since she is unable to keep up with her forum. If that changes, I will update this to let you know.

Enjoy your visit and please visit my new blog where you will find all of the latest freebies.

Thanks for visiting!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Crafty Scraps Cute Free Kit With Purchase

Michelle at Crafty Scraps has an adorable Fall kit to give you for Free 

when you make just a $5.00 Purchase! It's called Turkey Feathers! And it's

as cute as it's name is....LOL! Here's a preview of it for you.

 And she has so many cute new things added to her store for you to choose from!
She also has a Teaser Freebie for you on her blog which you can download here:

Here's a preview of a couple of her new kits for Fall

Aren't they adorable? These will be great additions to create your
 album pages with and she has many more cuties just like
these for you at her store. Happy Scrapping!

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